Please make sure you read and comply with these conditions.
These are insurance requirements. If you have any query over them, please discuss any concerns.
The insurance held by the Church Parish Council covering the Church, Spire café and Upper Room is only applicable to use by not-for-profit groups. Commercial hirers or those users requiring use of the kitchen facilities whilst not supervised by church staff will be required to carry their own insurance.
You must provide us with:
- Provide name of the person hiring the premises who must be over the age of 18 years old.
- We require details of the parts of the premises you want to use . No other areas should be used by the hirer. The Upper Room and the Spire Café may be hired separately or/at the same time to different hirers if this does not restrict use by either party.
- The purpose of hire (description of the event). The premises must not be used for any other purpose.
- The number of people expected – the maximum capacity must not be exceeded. Please discuss if your event is for more than 30 people.
The hirer must:
- Leave the premises and surrounding area in a clean and tidy condition, with seating, tables and equipment returned to storage, and all equipment and supplies belonging to the hirer removed –
Failure to observe this condition may result in a cleaning charge being applied.
- Remove all rubbish (use recycling bins where appropriate, all bins located at the gate entrance to the churchyard)
- Turn off all lights and electrical appliances.
- Check the building is empty and then leave the premises properly locked and secured.
- Let us know IMMEDIATELY of any damage to the hall, its furnishings, fittings, equipment, accessories or the surrounds. Normally the hirer is responsible for the cost of any such damage.
- No property may be kept or stored at the hall without written permission. The Parish Church Council accepts no responsibility for the loss or damage to any property brought to the hall or its surrounds.
- No alterations should be made to the premises or to the fixtures, fittings or decoration without prior approval. Blutak, pins, adhesive tape must not be used on the walls (This is a listed building).
- Do not adjust the heating controls without permission
- Only use equipment if you have been shown how to use them and are
competent to do so.
- Please be conscious of energy use in the hall – switch off unnecessary lights.
No electrical or gas appliances may be brought onto the premises or used without prior permission.
The hirer shall ensure that any electrical equipment brought onto the premises with permission is in good working order and is used in a safe manner.
The hirer may cancel a booking up to 7 days before the event without charge. After that, the Parish Church Council reserves the right to charge the full cost of hire.
The Parish Council reserves the right to cancel a hire by written notice in the event of:
The premises becoming unfit for use.
- An emergency preventing or requiring alternative use of the premises.
In such cases the hirer will be entitled to a refund of any deposit paid but the Parish Church Council shall not be liable for any resulting direct loss or indirect loss or damages whatsoever.
The hirer acknowledges that they have received instruction on
- The action to be taken in event of fire, however slight. This includes calling the Fire Brigade.
- The location and use of fire extinguishers and fire doors. Fire doors must not be wedged open.
- Fire exits and escape routes and the need to keep them clear
- In the case of fire, the hirer will be responsible for checking that all persons have evacuated the church premises, unless his or her life would be put in danger by doing so.
The hirer must report all accidents involving injury to the public to a Parish Church contact as soon as possible and complete an accident report; the Parish accepts no responsibility for injury sustained by hirers.
The Diocese of Chichester has a policy for the protection of children (those under 18 years old) and of vulnerable adults. The Church requires the co-operation of all users of the premises in taking measures for the appropriate protection of any child or vulnerable adult involved in activities on the premises, and shall also be mindful of the needs of any such child or vulnerable adult.
The Church may require groups hiring the premises for activities involving children or vulnerable adults to provide details of the measures they have in place to protect them. All users are expected to read and abide by the Diocesan policies for the protection of children and vulnerable adults which are available on display in the Spire Café.
If your event involves food preparation, the sale of alcohol or a stage, cinema, video or music performance, you must read and accept the following additional conditions:
The hirer shall observe all relevant food health and hygiene legislation and regulations.
The hirer is expected to familiarise themselves with the food preparation facilities available and to ensure that they are adequate for the purpose intended.
The hirer will be required to remove all reasonable waste promptly.
The Church accepts no responsibility for food made and served or food brought to the hall and consumed in the hall.
Alcohol can only be sold on the premises if a license has been obtained for the event. The hirer is responsible for applying for a license and must meet all conditions of that license including the provision of stewards where necessary.
Where alcohol is sold on the premises the hirer is required to provide a copy of the license.
The hirer must comply with all the Performing Rights Society regulations and supply any relevant information to the RCA.
The hirer will obtain any necessary licenses from the Phonographic Performances Ltd in respect of use of sound recordings.
Where films are shown the hirer must also ensure that age-restrictions classifications are observed.