Music at St John’s
Music has always been a vital part of our life at St John’s, with the choir, organ, music group and bellringers all contributing to our worship and our outreach to the town. We have hosted many musical events over the years, from solo recitals to brass band concerts, as well as Singing Days for local choral societies. Christine Alp is our Musical director, Christine studied at the Royal Academy of music in London and coordinates all of our music at St John’s.

Choir – We have a robed Choir
The Choir meets for practice on Friday evenings at 7 pm in the church and all are very welcome to join.
The Choir has been an essential part of the fabric of St John’s for many years, and sings at the main 10am service on a Sunday, as well as for festivals. Affiliated with the Royal School of Church Music, it is for all ages and abilities, with its repertoire stretching from the 12th to the 21st century. Please speak to our Director of Music if you would like to join!
The extended Robed Choir at Christmas

The Music Group help to lead the music at the family service on the first Sunday of the month. Music is arranged specifically to fit the players and we’d love to have more people involved.
For more details on the Choir or Music Group, contact Christine Alp on or have a chat with her or members of the choir after a Sunday service.
Children’s Church Choir:
Join us every 3rd Sunday as our vibrant Children’s Church Choir fills the service with their uplifting voices, bringing a refreshing spirit of joy and faith to our worship!

Organ and Grand Piano
The Binns Organ has undertaken major restoration during 2024 for the first time in over 50 years, rectifying the damage caused by wear and tear as well as the elements. This has made it fit for use to accompany services and as a solo instrument for decades to come. We are thrilled to have the organ restored – back in operation
The grand piano also continues to be used for concerts, recitals, and often to accompany the Family Mass – held on the first Sunday of the month.

The restoration of our Organ was completed in 2024 and Bishop Martin joined us for a Rededication Service, along with all who were involved in the restoration and our Organists.
Music is a central part of our worship at St John’s, where we provide regular services for all occasions and where the organ provides a beautiful and rousing accompaniment. We are the only Anglican church for several miles around with a fully robed choir, and our traditional choral tradition is precious to us, and cherished by those who come. The parish has a committed, talented and enthusiastic choir, led by our Director of Music. We also host all of the town’s civic services as well as our local schools’ carol services; additionally, we hold numerous concerts and recitals for the town, where the organ is often the lead instrument.
Bell Ringing
The Ringers meet to Practice on Monday Evenings 8-9pm.
We ring regularly for Sunday morning service and on special occasions. Come along to a practice session or speak with Doug Stewart or Colin Squires for more information.