
The safeguarding of young people and vulnerable adults is of paramount importance in our parish. The PCC subscribes to all Diocesan Safeguarding requirements and policies, which are implemented throughout the year, and reviewed and reaffirmed annually by the PCC.

For full details of the ‘House of Bishop’s Promoting a Safer Church: Safeguarding Policy Statement’, together with all other Safeguarding Policy documents as adopted by the PCC, please visit:

If you have concerns or would like to speak to someone outside of the parish with regard to child and adult safeguarding issues, please contact the Diocesan Safeguarding Officers:

Colin Perkins:

01273 425030 / 07500 771210


Vicky Martin:

01273 421021 / 07384 257882

If you are worried about a child, and believe that child to be in immediate danger, you must contact the police on 999.

For other concerns, contact Safeguarding Services at West Sussex County Council:

01403 229900 or 01243 642121 for out-of-hours calls.

Childline Tel: 0800 1111

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